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Central America Costa Rica Videos

Monteverde, Costa Rica – The Vlog (Video)


Monteverde, Costa Rica is easily one of the prettiest places I’ve ever been! It’s so lush and green, which is the complete opposite of where I live (Arizona).

I really enjoyed putting together this edit of our time in Monteverde, and I hope you enjoy it too.

P.S. – I’m working on writing and editing together all my Costa Rica content, but it’s taking me some time to get though all the pictures and footage. However, you’ll find some more stuff to read and watch below.

Watch the Monteverde, Costa Rica Vlog

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About Our Time in Monteverde

When we visited Monteverde in late November, we were greeted with what we’d consider “hurricane weather.” It was super windy and very wet. So much so, that we almost didn’t go zip lining because of it. However, like Brooke says in the video, ‘It’s all a part of the adventure!”

More to Read:

More to Watch:



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