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My 2021 Goals & Habits I’m Looking to Build This Year


Happy New Year’s Y’all! 2020 is finally behind us. Last year was… a WHOLE  mess to put it lightly, and quite frankly I’ve never been so excited for a year to be over. 

2021 has arrived,  which means it’s time to set goals and intentions for the year. Although we’re in some uncertain times, I still think it’s important to set some goals. I’m a little late to the game with this because Covid had your girl down for a couple of weeks but nonetheless here we are. 

Now, on to my 2021 goals & habits.


There’s a graphic on Pinterest with a quote that really speaks to me. The quote is, “Imagine how incredible you’d be one year from now if you’d stop fantasizing about a better life, and actively started building one.” I’m a big daydreamer, and I love planning things. The only problem is, I never implement my plans or take them to the next step. They get stuck in the “fantasy” realm and never actually materialize. I can’t tell you how many blog posts and video ideas I’ve brainstormed, and done nothing with. How many meal plans and exercise routines I’ve created and then never used. So, my overarching goal for this year is to actively start building the life I want. 

However, instead of setting traditional goals like lose 20 pounds or gain 2000 subscribers, I plan on taking the Atomic Habits approach. For those of you unfamiliar with the book Atomic Habits, the gist is that by creating tiny habits and sticking to them, over time you’ll achieve the results you want. That’s a very basic synopsis, but you get the point. 

My 2021 Goals & Habits

Post on Instagram Feed and Stories At Least 4 Times A Week

My Instagram game has been weak in the past. Going weeks and weeks without posting on my feed. Only popping up on stories for the occasional sponsored posts. I really want to build an engaged audience this year, and I know being more active on the platform would definitely help that. 

Post at least 10 blog posts a month

On the note of content creation, I definitely need to be more active here on Like the Drum. I love traveling and writing travel content, but I don’t get to do it enough (especially, now)  to produce enough content for the blog. So, I’m working on adding more content subjects to ensure that I’m pushing more content to this platform. 

Upload 2 Videos a Week on YouTube

If you didn’t know, I’m on YouTube. I started my channel last year, and my goal was to be monetized within a year. I didn’t hit that goal, but there was a lot of unexpected things that caused interruptions in my upload schedule. However, now I’m properly geared up and plan on sticking to my upload schedule. So, if you’d like to join the YouTube fam, you can subscribe here

Drink At Least 64oz of Water a Day

In my youth, I could run track in 110 degree weather, drink like a sip of water, and be fine. However, drinking no water for days at a time is not it as an adult. I can definitely tell a difference in my body when I’m properly hydrated and when I’m not. So, I want to make a habit of drinking at least 64 oz of water a day. 

4 Serving a Fruits and Vegetables a Day

I tried to make this a habit last year, and it didn’t really work out. So, I’m putting it on the list again in hopes of taking more control of my daily diet. 

Read Something Daily

I’m one of those people that will read like 3 books back to back, and then not pick up another book for a year. So, instead of putting the focus on books, I’m aiming to read something daily. Whether it be a blog post, a news article, or a poem,  just some kind of written word. 

Get Ready Everyday 

So, I’m not going to lie, the pandemic has definitely kept your girl in pajamas 7 days out of 10. That being said in 2021, I’d like to see myself get up everyday, do something with my hair, throw on some light makeup, and put on some kind of outfit. People say getting ready everyday is better for productivity and what not, and I definitely could stand to be a little more productive. 

Stick to A Morning and Night Routine

I feel like peak adulthood is having morning and night routines. I want to incorporate things like meditation, stretching, taking vitamins, journaling, and a few other wellness habits into my daily life. So, I feel like creating solid morning and night routines will help me stay on track with those habits. 

Get Out of the Valley and Arizona

There’s still a few places in Arizona that I haven’t been to yet like Antelope Canyon, Tombstone, Bisbee, etc. So, I want to take some time this year to explore my home state a little more. And then of course, I’d love to be able to get out of the state as well and maybe travel to some places like Seattle, New York, or Ireland. 

So, those are the habits I’m looking to build in 2021! As you can see, I’m really trying to focus on myself and my brand. I want to work on taking care of my body and mind, as well as taking Like the Drum to the next level. I will be doing a YouTube video where I create my 2021 vision board, so keep an eye out for that!

What are your goals for 2021, or what habits are you looking to develop? Let me know in a comment down below!



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