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Colorado North America United States

Weekend Road Trip to Durango


My friend Nat asked if I’d like to take a trip to Durango with her and her friend Brooke for a weekend, and I love a good, spontaneous adventure so I said why not!

On our way to Durango, we stopped by Horseshoe Bend which wasn’t too far off our route. I will say it’s pretty but I’m glad we incorporated it into our trip instead of making a separate journey north just to see it. We snapped some pictures and then got back on the road. By time we arrived in Durango, it was dinner time and we decided to eat before heading to our Airbnb which was a little outside of the main city. We ate a Mexican restaurant/bar called Cerda 7, which wasn’t the greatest. After our mediocre dinner, we checked into our Airbnb and hot tubbed it for a little while before going to bed.

In the morning, we got breakfast at the nearby Hermosa Grill & Cafe. While we were eating, the three of us tried to come up with a plan for the day. Originally, Brooke wanted to hike the ice lake trail but the weather forecast said it was going to start raining and Natalie and I didn’t want to get caught in the showers. Instead, we chose to head to Haviland Lake which is a shorter loop trail in the San Juan National Forest. The lake was completely frozen and our desire to walk the trail faded, so we took some pictures and left.

On our way back into Durango, we stopped by Honeyville. The shop sells tons of honey products and also doubles as a whiskey distillery. You can tour the distillery and buy honey infused whisky. Whiskey isn’t really my thing, but I did pick up some Apricot mead and some lemon and cinnamon whipped honeys.

After Honeyville, we explored main street and went shopping. We had a late lunch at Grass Burger and then satisfied our sweet tooth with some chocolate from Animas Chocolate Factory. We continued walking around for a bit, stopping by a couple breweries and then turned in for the night.

Our last day in Durango, our hosts made us breakfast as we exchanged travel stories. When we were done eating, we packed up the car and made a quick stop by Rendezvous Donuts before hitting the highway.

We saw a sign for the Four Corners on our way to Durango and decided to stop on our way back into Flag. It was pretty much empty and we were able to step right up and take pictures. We snapped a few and then checked out the vending stalls surrounding the area. I bought a dreamcatcher and Natalie got a rock with the four corners carved into it for her brother.

The Four Corners was the last destination on our little road trip, and made a good pit stop on the way back in. I’m glad Natalie invited my on this little getaway and I look forward to our next random adventure!

Durango, CO
Durango, CO
Durango, CO
Where’s your next adventure taking you?




  • Amanda

    Oh wow! How beautiful! We used to live in CO when my husband was in the military. What I would do to get there… one day! Beautiful post! Your site is really nice! 🙂

    • Timpani

      Thanks Amanda!

      I grew up going to Denver a lot to visit my aunt and cousins but this was my first time exploring a different part of Colorado.

      I’m glad you enjoyed my post and I hope you make it back to CO soon!

  • Heather Gilbert

    Any type of adventure or road trip and I am in!

    • Timpani

      I’m the same way Heather! I love having new experiences and visiting new places.

  • JellyBen

    I love this kind of adventure!!!
    Reminds me of when I was single and could go anywhere, anytime.
    I haven’t been in acomodado yet, I look forward to .

    Have a great week!

    • Timpani

      That’s exactly why I travel as much as I do. I know once I have a significant other and a family that I won’t be able to go whenever I want.

      I hope you get to adventure soon!

  • Wells Baum

    What an adventure! Love the photoset.

  • Ashley

    that looks like a beautiful trip! so nice to be able to road trip to such amazing places!

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